Hopper Dental is a Family Dentist in Tulsa, OK.
Hopper Dental is a family dentist serving the Tulsa metropolitan area. This family dentistry is owned and operated by Dr. Amelia Hopper, a skilled and professional dentist providing both preventative and cosmetic dentistry. Preventative dental care is design to maintain the health of your teeth by preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Cosmetic dentistry is designed to make your smile look its best by using procedures like teeth whitening and dental prostheses.
As a family dentist, Hopper Dental is dedicated to providing your entire family with a comfortable dental experience. Oftentimes, going to the dentist can be just as nerve-wracking for an adult as it can be for a kid. When you schedule an appointment with Hopper Dental, you will be working with a personable and compassionate staff dedicated to providing a pleasant experience.
Areas of Focus
When it comes to dentistry, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Everyone is different and requires specialized attention. At Hopper Dental, your dental appointment will be customized to cater to your specific dental needs. Dr. Hopper will guide you along in improving your oral health and feeling confident in your smile.
Teeth can start coming in as early as six months of age. It’s important to find a family dentist who can cater to your child’s dental needs and help guide them in the direction of great oral health as they age. At Hopper Dental, you can trust in knowing that your entire family is receiving the best care.
Here are the areas that Hopper Dental focuses on:
- Jenks Preventative Dentistry
- Jenks Cosmetic Dentistry
If you or your children are in need of one of these services, contact Hopper Dental today.
Business Information
Hopper Dental